Fallout the motion picture
Since last year I have been working on a fake trailer for a Fallout Movie. It took more time than planned so I could not show it at the GGA
Fortunatly we won with our team production 09-09-14. Anyway, now I just realized the passion for the Fallout movie, and I am bringing back on the construction table. I am about to design the opening scene, and thought I could dump some of the screens from the bodies, who are supposed to be in there. What's new with the Fallout idéa is that I realized that it would be a cool thing to put the whole scenario in Stockholm, instead of Canada. This got me more excited about it, so with no further ado, let's cut the crap and show what I've got.
Etiketter: 3D
Our contribution to GGA 09
This has been a five months short-film project with the team, consisting of: Lars-Gunnar Thorell, Robin Lindqvist, Lukas Thuvesson, Tommy Nilsson and Andreas Johansson. Finally it's done, and online to view right here!
A non-profit fake commercial for GGA 08
This one won the last years GGA contest. It's a fake commercial for wacom, and was meant to make it feel free as hell to use theese wacom tablets, with the only limitation there is of course: fantasy.
Watch it here!
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In lack of energy, and between projects, I descided to make two small creatures. Meant for cartoon render, but it was the bone rigging I was going for, unfortunatly no video of it yet. This crap about them being in a book was a quick thought of planting them, by putting this book on a table or something in a future scene.
Conceptual design
for the CG Movie "09-09-14"
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During the pre-production of 09-09-14 I tried to find a fresh-looking badguy. The environment in the movie is poisenous, so everyone has to wear gasmasks, except for this guy! He has no lower jaw, so he has vents that cleans the air for him, directly in his throat. Also a twist-lock for food insertion. Point is to make a character who communicates by pointing only, and directing his goons with gestures alone. With that characacteristic he becomes more creepy in a final showdown!
This concept series of the bad dude never became to inovative or artistic looking, since the idéa didnt fit the timeframe. No time to present him, unfortunatly. The movie was meant to be an Intro for either a movie or a game.
Of course, it was meant for me to have a small video of how he raises and lowers his "helmet". The nose in some pictures are very straight, wich together with the shield made him look very femenin. This was fixed in another picture.
Etiketter: 3D , Conceptual Design